
Baker Double Barrel Shotgun Serial Numbers

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Baker Double Barrel Shotgun Serial Numbers Average ratng: 9,7/10 5045 votes

I assume it means Baker Co. Or after the serial number. In the very last Baker ads that I've found. Infomation on Baker double barrelled shotgun. Apr 07, 2014  When the gun was taken apart to get the serial number I saw the the serial number on the wood matched the one on the gun. There was also another 4 digit number in the wood that was hard to read. I could take it back apart and get that 4 digit number from the wood if you think it makes a difference.

This thread made me take out mine. It will be the next thing to hit the gunsmith for a thouough checking. I want to shoot it, mine looks mint to me as well, but I am no expert, so I will let the guys who get paid make the call for me. It's not worth it blowing up in my face because it looked good.

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'Batavia Leader'. The Batavia Special was never made with Damascus barrels, the leader barrels should be stamped on top near the chambers in very small letters 'Homotensile steel', the other barrel will be stamped 'choke bored'. When this gun came out fluid steep barrels were a 'new fangled contraption' and damascus was preferred for it's good looks. Baker named them homotensile steel to indicate they were homogeneous (one piece) tensile(strong). Unless the chambers have been opened with a reamer they are likely shorter than 2 3/4', probably 2 1/2 or 2 5/8' I believ ethe barrels of batavia specials made between 1900-1919 were made by Crescent Arms.

A bit of engraving was added to the Black Beauty and it was renamed the Black Beauty Special. Grades for the Folsom era Baker Guns were the Batavia Leader, Black Beauty Special, Paragon, Expert, and De Luxe. Folsom era catalogues listed the Black Beauty Special for $62 or $77 with ejectors, the Paragon Grade for $100 or $115 with ejectors, the Expert Grade for $215 and the De Luxe Grade for $385. In the fall of 1928, Folsom Baker magazine ads listed a 410 bore Batavia Leader, but it is unclear if any were actually manufactured. Folsom era Bakers usually have an F before or after the serial numbers 1- about 14,000. Most guns have a reinforcing wedge between the forearm loop and the flats. H & D Folsom Arms Co.

23, 25, and 31 (1929-1930) only list the Batavia Leader and Black Beauty Special. 40 dated May 1932 has no Baker Guns. Baker Gun Co. Was closed in 1930, 41 years after the death of W.H.

1800's Double Barrel Shotgun Makers

More well documented is the lawsuit by Stevens against Baker Gun for patent infringement. My interest stems from the fact that my late wife's uncle worked for Baker and eventually retired from it's successor. I learned a great deal in talking with him, including the stories about clearing out all the company records and throwing them in the trash! A few years ago, circa 1995, there was a young guy who was trying to write a history of the company and its guns. I haven't heard from him in years and haven't seen the book anywhere so I guess that it has not been published.

The gun pictured at the start of this thread is a Paragon Grade. According to the article on Baker Guns in the Guns Illustrated 1997 by Hallquist & Hardin, the Paragon was added to the line in 1894, and serial numbers were from 1 to 1200.

But have it looked over by a gunsmith. I had an old Marshwood double barrel handed down to me from my dad that looked just like it, and it shot just fine. What condition is the barrel in? Are there any deep pits in the steel? If so I wouldn't fire it until a gunsmith has seen it. Look in the vented rib along the top for any markings.

On a side by side one barrel is a slightly different diameter. This thread made me take out mine. It will be the next thing to hit the gunsmith for a thouough checking. I want to shoot it, mine looks mint to me as well, but I am no expert, so I will let the guys who get paid make the call for me. It's not worth it blowing up in my face because it looked good. My barrel was cut at some point to 19 inches, my grandfather used it as his under the counter self defense gun at his auto repair shop back in the early 60s. Modern ammo would be fine if it locks up and the barrels are sound I would bet dollars to doughnuts its post SAAMI.

Info on Bakers is scarce. With passing years and no collector interest details faded into history. There is one Baker advertising brochure from 1909 'The Baker Gunner' that could provide info on barrel lengths. It was reprinted and can be found. I confirmed pre 1919 Batavia Specials (no F in Serno) had barrels made in Belgium.

About 1915, the Baker bolting system was redesigned for the Paragon and higher grades to use a Greener style round cross bolt. The 1915 Dealers Price Schedule lists barrel lengths of 26-, 28-, 30-, and 32-inch for the Black Beauty ($18.85), Black Beauty Special ($34.85), Paragon ($60), Paragon-Ejector ($75), Expert ($137.50) and De Luxe ($260). The first Baker hammerless boxlock, referred to as the C Grade, was made by Baker for Montgomery Ward in 1895, with Ward's name on the rib. It was offered by Baker about two years later with the Batavia name. Baker also produced 'trade named' guns under 'New Era Gun Works' and 'Clark's Imperial Omaha, Neb.'

I haven't heard from him in years and haven't seen the book anywhere so I guess that it has not been published. As far as I know, there is nothing like a Baker Collector's Club, but several years ago I met some folks through the L.C. Smith Collectors Association who knew a great deal about Baker guns. The is a collector's market for Baker guns, but it's very limited, the higher end models are the most sought after, and condition means everything. Do a search for Baker Batavia Leader and you'll find quite a range of prices. There is also someone out there selling reproductions of a Batavia Gun metal advertising sign as well as the 1915 catalog. Well, best of luck and thanks again for posting.

What condition is the barrel in? Are there any deep pits in the steel? If so I wouldn't fire it until a gunsmith has seen it. Look in the vented rib along the top for any markings.

Even though the company's name on their catalogues and letterheads is Baker Gun & Forging Co., the hammerless guns are most always marked Baker Gun Co. By 1893 Hollenbeck leaves to form his Syracuse Arms Co. Baker Gun & Forging Co. Continues on through several management shakeups building both their graded hammerless guns with the hammer-block safety and their lower priced Batavia line without.

My wonder is why though no roll stamp marks of maker, this was common even for companies that made 'hardware' guns, companies like Crescent Arms, Baker, N.R. Davis, H&D Folsom, Cherokee, Rev O Noc, etc. I have several Sears catalogs with pages and pages of no name guns. Its also my thought that Stevens nor Savage made guns for the Hardware trade. I will look more.

Remington Hammer Double Barrel Identification FIREARMS INFORMATION The following is an excerpt from a Remington 1902 catalog. N O T I C E For guidance of customers ordering double gun parts, we give the following information: The Remington Double Gun has been made in six models, known as HAMMER LIFTER ACTION, LIFTER ACTION, MODEL '82, MODEL '83, MODEL '85, AND '87. AND MODEL '89, many parts of which differ.

Barrel is 32 in. (twist barrels I believe) Unable to find year.

This partnership lasted 1877-1880. Baker eventually went to Ithaca, N.Y. In 1883, and along with others in Ithaca established the Ithaca Gun Co.

When the plant in Syracuse burned and they moved operations to Batavia, W.H. Mesa boogie amp serial number lookup. Baker was ill with TB and they brought in Frank A. Hollenbeck as plant superintendent.

There was also a Batavia Ejector that listed at $35 with steel barrels and $37.50 with Damascus barrels. About 1915 Baker Gun & Forging Co. Discontinued all these 'Batavia' models and replaced them with the Black Beauty and the Black Beauty Special. In 1919 Baker sold out their gun business to H&D Folsom. H & D Folsom revived the Batavia Leader name but with steel barrels like the old Batavia Special. We'll need to see some pictures of your gun to really tell you much about it.

Serial Number Year of Manufacture 425000 - 4 425300 - 4 439200 - 4 451100 - 4 454600 - 4 457300 - 4 458400 - 4 459140 - 4 459163 - 4 459196 - 4 459638 - 4 459650 - 4 460800 - 4 462900 - 4 464700 - 4 464828 - 4 464851 - 4 464900 - 4 (specials) 465200 - 4 466000 - 4 467100 - 4 467147 - 4 467200 - 4 468100 - 4 468700 - 4 468795 - 4 468800 - 4 469950 - 4 470000 - 4. Serial Number Year of Manufacture 100000 - 1 101600 - 1 119900 - 1 158700 - 1 185400 - 2 214400 - 2 233100 - 2 252700 - 2 273300 - 2 297200 - 2 298700 - 2 298750 - 2 299250 - 2 325000 - 3 327300 - 3 336400 - 3 345100 - 3 345900 - 3 347100 - 3 352100 - 3 355000 - 3 356300 - 3 357300 - 3. Serial Number Year of Manufacture 509700 - 5 574001 - 6 602001 - 6 652001 - 7 704001 - 7 727001 - 7 759001 - 7 704001 - 7 797001 - 8 820001 - 8** 867001 - 8 891001 - 9 927001 - 9 966001 - 9 999501 - 10 1042001 - 3710 371091501 - 3711 371150501 - 3712 371211501 - 3712 371275001 - 3713 381000001 - 381030000**** 1901 - 3715 371517501 - 3715 371596001 - 3716 371626001 - 3716 371648001 - 3716 371678001 - 371709000.

The bottom is similar to the early style, but we also seen scroll instead of birds. The top has simple boarder engraving with no stippling. All 'R' grades that I have encountered have been stamped with the letter 'R' on the watertable.

I was wondering if any one knew anything about my old double-barreled shotgun. Download template undangan pernikahan tema surat pos. It is marked Baker Gun Company-Batavia N.Y. No 2504 and has bird designs on metal side of gun by trigger. At end of gun stock is a logo B superimposed with a C and then superimposed with a T.-I assume it means Baker Co. Barrel is 32 in.

Early Baker Gun & Forging guns included the B grade with 'London Twist' barrels, the A grade with 'Fine Damascus', and the Paragon Grade with more extensive engraving, nicer wood, and finer Damascus barrels. About 1897, the $100 Pigeon Gun was added which was essentially a Paragon but with pigeons in the engraving and steel barrels.

I had an old Marshwood double barrel handed down to me from my dad that looked just like it, and it shot just fine. What condition is the barrel in? Are there any deep pits in the steel? If so I wouldn't fire it until a gunsmith has seen it.

Also on both models the 1894 and 1900, there is the 1894 patent date on the forend iron. For the model 1900, they did away with the point on top of the buttplate and went to a cheaper straighter buttplate. I have collected Remington model 1894 and 1900 double for over 40 years.

It was offered by Baker about two years later with the Batavia name. Baker also produced 'trade named' guns under 'New Era Gun Works' and 'Clark's Imperial Omaha, Neb.' , and a number of others. Most of these were sourced from the Batavia line. Baker Gun & Forging Co.

Parties owning guns can determine their model by comparing their hammers with the following drawings. HAMMER LIFTER ACTION - LIFTER ACTION - MODEL 1882 - MODEL 1885 AND 1887 - MODEL 1889 The above illustrations taken from an old Remington 1902 parts catalog REMINGTON DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUN SERIAL NUMBERS C ourtesy of Roy Gunther, William M. Furnish & Charles G.

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No 2504 and has bird designs on metal side of gun by trigger. At end of gun stock is a logo B superimposed with a C and then superimposed with a T.-I assume it means Baker Co. Barrel is 32 in. (twist barrels I believe) Unable to find year. Any information as to history and value would be welcome. #266159 - 02/17/12 09:00 AM Re: Infomation on Baker double barrelled shotgun [] Sidelock Registered: 01/19/10 Posts: 678 Loc: Watkinsville, GA. Baker/Batavia -- Baker references are -- The Double Gun Journal -- Vol 3, Iss 3&4; Vol 9, Iss 2; Vol 14, Iss 4; and Vol 19, Iss 3 American Rifleman -- June 1968 Shooting Times -- May 1962 Man at Arms -- Nov/Dec 1987 The Gun Report -- Nov 1989 and Jan 1991 Field & Stream -- April 1908 Guns Illustrated - 29th Edition, 1997 William H.

Double Barrel Shotgun Wiki

The guy at the gun show took it apart and the serial number on the inside reads 35762 and it matches the same number on the wood. From all the searching I have done it looks like an old Stevens but I am not sure since it has no other markings on it. Any help would be appreciated in identifying what it is and how old. I believe they are chambered for 2 3/4 inch shells only. I am no expert but this is what I have been told. I am sure far more knowledgeable than myself will chime in.I would echo this reply to the T. Use only 2 3/4' shells.