Deadly Innocence Scott Burnside Pdf Merge
This was a very hard book to get through. I decided to read this a while after watching the movie, Karla. The book goes into a whole lot more detail than the movie does. The book is written well enough, but it was still a lot of infodumping. I haven't read any other true crime novels, but I didn't imagine the writing to be so dry at times. This book also needed a better editor.
I don't recall enough - anything actually - about the actual writing so I can't say much there. I gave it three stars for that reason. The monsters who this book is about? What can I say? What hasn't been said already? Karla's nasty ass is incredibly lucky because she should have been tortured for her role in the murders. Karla is more disgusting than what I've read a lot of true crime books over the years and I've never failed to be able to bring this to mind when I think of the word 'monsters'.
I didn't know much about either of their childhoods, so that's proving to be the most interesting reading thus far, though I've only just made it to the part where Paul and Karla meet - they haven't yet discovered their true effed up kinship yet. I can't say I really learned much, other than that there are some pretty truly horrible people in the world (and that the Canadian legal system has some neat quirks and intricacies). Paul Bernardo named his penis Snuffles, which is your Fun Fact for the day. His entire outward persona was built on Amway, Dale Carnegie, self-improvement seminars, Gordon Gekko quotations, and televangelism (not Christianity, but the slick shallowness of television preachers). Don't trust the charming ones. This is one of those stories that will leave your mouth gaped open throughout the read. The things this couple did to young women are only things lurking in a deranged person's nightmares.
Karla and Paul seemed like the picture-perfect newlyweds, but were really a pair of vicious killers who abducted, sexually tortured and murdered innocent schoolgirls, videotaping their evil acts in suburban Niagara Falls.
That was years ago and I have never forgotten this book. True crime lovers will love this book. There are pictures in it too (wed This is the true story of Karla Homolka. A woman who with her new husband raped, tortured and killed several women and took part in the rape and murder of her little sister. I picked this up at a one shelf book exchange while traveling having no idea what the book was about and probably wouldn't have gotten it if I had realized how graphic some of the rape scenes were.
For those of you who haven't heard of the formerly married serial rapists/murderers, Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka met when she was 17 and he was 23. Paul, at the time, had started raping young women at that point. Karla indulged his activities and even started participating in them. Together they raped quite a few girls and killed at least three young girls, including Karla's younger sister. They both ended up in prison, but thanks to Karla's deal with the prosecutors, she has already been released. I remember reading about Karla when she gave birth to a son and her past was brought up. The other night the story came up again on 48 Hours Dateline 20/20 something.
The book is also awash with useless information that could easily have been cut - do we really need to know the family background of a pas I'd love to be able to rate this book more highly due to the fascinating subject matter but sadly it is so poorly written and edited that it could only ever pass as okay. Full stops in the middle of sentences but frequently not at the ends; quotation marks at the start of quotes and not at the ends; incorrect words and various other bloopers pepper the pages. Kegiatan pramuka penegak. The book is also awash with useless information that could easily have been cut - do we really need to know the family background of a passing police officer or what route Paul and Van took on an uneventful trip? The two journalists who wrote Deadly Innocence state in the preface that they are not authors but surely a decent grasp of English is a prerequisite of both roles? They also profusely thank their editor - they really needn't have bothered, as she did a terrible job. One of the biggest gaffes comes near the end, when they refer to Paul's alias as being Paul Jason Tale: it was actually Teale, a mistake made more obvious by the fact that Bernardo is referencing himself in rap lyrics where other words rhyme with Teale. Why weren't errors like this spotted?
Scott Burnside Nhl
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I don’t for one second believe her that she was only involved because she feared for her life as an abused wife. She got off on everything as You’ve got to wonder what Paul thinks about the fact she is free while he rots away in his cell? Considering before he met Karla, he was a serial rapist, and only after they got together, that is when the murders started.
Maybe that's true. It's hard to say. I can't imagine being so under another person's spell that I stopped knowing what was right or wrong. But that may be what happened here. All in all, a very interesting read. Usually I hate these mass-market paperback exploitations of well-known cases, (and why do they always have such ridiculously lame titles?) but a co-worker handed it to me and I had to pass my late-night shift somehow. Plus which, I was sort of interested based on the fact that Paul Bernardo's mere ownership of a copy of 'American Psycho' was enough for my more censorious sisters in feminism to call for its banning.
The book, for the most part, was unbiased, but I got the feeling that it was leaning toward Karla's claims of being a victim. Even though Paul is pure evil and I wish Canada would have used the death penalty on him, Karla is truly baffling. I do believe that she was a victim, BUT I also believe that she could have put an end to this early on. There has to either be something wrong with the woman or she's just as evil as Paul to torture, rape, and kill girls. Especially her own sister.
I decided to read this a while after watching the movie, Karla. The book goes into a whole lot more detail than the movie does.
It got to the point where I was so distracting that I was no longer interested in the content, and was more hunting for errors. Even a quick glance over by the writers would have solved most if the errors in the book. This book is worth the read if you can get over all the mistakes; however, I personally was very disappointed with the lack of editing. What happens when a serial rapist meets a narcissist with psychopathic histrionic personality disorder?
Read about the things this couple did. There were several times that I had to put the book down because I felt so sick. There's a lot of graphic descriptions and accounts, so if this bothers you, you may want to stick to the movie, or Wikipedia. All in all, it was an interesting book but very horrifying.
Usually I hate these mass-market paperback exploitations of well-known cases, (and why do they always have such ridiculously lame titles?) but a co-worker handed it to me and I had to pass my late-night shift somehow. Plus which, I was sort of interested based on the fact that Paul Bernardo's mere ownership of a copy of 'American Psycho' was enough for my more censorious sisters in feminism to call for its banning.
Dorsey Sanders Jr
I can't count of how many times I came across errors. While it's not a big deal to have a few, a lot are annoying as a reader. I felt sick during reading most of this book. Think horror movies are scary? Read about the things this couple did.
The book goes into a whole lot more detail than the movie does. The book is ***This review may contain spoilers. Read at your own risk*** Deadly Innocence is a true crime novel about the famous Canadian couple, Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka.
While it's not a big deal to have a few, a lot are annoying as a reader. I felt sick during reading most of this book.
The monsters who this book is about? What can I say?
Don't trust the charming ones. This is one of those stories that will leave your mouth gaped open throughout the read. The things this couple did to young women are only things lurking in a deranged person's nightmares.
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The other one I’ve read is this one focuses too much on anecdotal evidence. Indeed, a good portion of the book comes from the mouths of some childhood friends of the killers or other people linked to the investigations, rather than sticking to a more journalistic ‘reporting’ style. I personally felt like the personal testimonies of those affected by or involved with the case made you more engaged – but reading other books broke down the cut and dry facts a lot more which was helpful (in other words, I say read them both). This book is both a page turner and extremely hard to read – on several occasions I had to put it down and walk away because I was so disgusted and horrified with the whole story.
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It's at least fairly readable, though the recalled dialogue by Bernardo and Karla Homolka's friends is stilted and laughable; human memory combined with hack writing, one must suppose. I didn't know much about either of their childhoods, so that's proving to be the most interesting reading thus far, though I've only just made it to the part where Paul and Karla meet - they haven't yet discovered their true effed up kinship yet.
***This review may contain spoilers. Read at your own risk*** Deadly Innocence is a true crime novel about the famous Canadian couple, Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. They are famous for abducting, torturing, and murdering innocent school girls, as well as videotaping their evil acts. Paul was also a notorious rapist. This was a very hard book to get through.
I was sorely disappointed. I probably won't be reading any more books about this case simply because one can only stomach so much of humanity's worst before tapping out. I reached my limits on this one. Very informative book on a subject I knew little about. The book was very informative. As much as I like to read about true crime, somehow I had not heard of Paul Bernardo and Karla until fairly recently. This book gave the full ins and outs of the lives of the victims and the perpetrators before, during and after the events.
Th This book is an account of the Ken and Barbie Murderers of Canada, Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. For those of you who haven't heard of the formerly married serial rapists/murderers, Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka met when she was 17 and he was 23. Paul, at the time, had started raping young women at that point. Karla indulged his activities and even started participating in them. Together they raped quite a few girls and killed at least three young girls, including Karla's younger sister. They both ended up in prison, but thanks to Karla's deal with the prosecutors, she has already been released.
If you've ever seen the movie, Natural Born Killers, this couple sort of puts you in the same frame of mind. How you could torture innocent people all for the sake of your sexual pleasure, is something I will never understand about some human nature. I believe in honoring your marriage, but there are some thin This is one of those stories that will leave your mouth gaped open throughout the read. The things this couple did to young women are only things lurking in a deranged person's nightmares. If you've ever seen the movie, Natural Born Killers, this couple sort of puts you in the same frame of mind.
Even a quick glance over by the writers would have solved most if the errors in the book. This book is worth the read if you can get over all the mistakes; however, I personally was very disappointed with the lack of editing. What happens when a serial rapist meets a narcissist with psychopathic histrionic personality disorder? This happens. (from an Amazon review) This book may be well-researched, but the writing is poor and filled with easy-to-spot typos and errors that even the least bit of editing should have caught.
Paul Bernardo raped an uncertain n So I keep reading true crime when what I actually want to be reading are the custodial offender interview reports from the Behavioral Sciences Unit. Those are slightly harder to get your hands on (not impossible, though). And one of these days I'm just going to have to stop reading true crime as a pale, pale substitute, because, well, insert a brief essay here on the many reasons true crime is inherently problematic. This particular book is actually half-decent. Paul Bernardo raped an uncertain number of women in Canada and then, with the coerced help of his wife, kidnapped, tortured, and killed school girls. Bernardo is about as typical an anger-excitation rapist sadist as you can find, complete with huge mommy issues and textbook financial scamming.
Karla is more disgusting than what's-his-name by a long shot. Yet she's living a relatively normal life while these other women, including her little sister, are laying in the ground. Life is great right? This is the true story of Karla Homolka. A woman who with her new husband raped, tortured and killed several women and took part in the rape and murder of her little sister. I picked this up at a one shelf book exchange while traveling having no idea what the book was about and probably wouldn't have gotten it if I had realized how graphic some of the rape scenes were.
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If you've ever seen the movie, Natural Born Killers, this couple sort of puts you in the same frame of mind. How you could torture innocent people all for the sake of your sexual pleasure, is something I will never understand about some human nature. I believe in honoring your marriage, but there are some thin This is one of those stories that will leave your mouth gaped open throughout the read. The things this couple did to young women are only things lurking in a deranged person's nightmares. If you've ever seen the movie, Natural Born Killers, this couple sort of puts you in the same frame of mind.
If you've ever seen the movie, Natural Born Killers, this couple sort of puts you in the same frame of mind. How you could torture innocent people all for the sake of your sexual pleasure, is something I will never understand about some human nature. I believe in honoring your marriage, but there are some thin This is one of those stories that will leave your mouth gaped open throughout the read.
My dad spazzed and gave my sister and I each a book that covered the notorious couple of Paul Bernardo & Homolka, and I read this one (I read the other one a couple of years later). The Plot: Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo are two of Canada’s most legendary serial killers – having murdered three young girls (including most disturbingly, Homolka’s sister mere we How I Came To Read This Book: When Karla Homolka was on her way out of prison, I really had no idea who she was or what she’d done. My dad spazzed and gave my sister and I each a book that covered the notorious couple of Paul Bernardo & Homolka, and I read this one (I read the other one a couple of years later). The Plot: Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo are two of Canada’s most legendary serial killers – having murdered three young girls (including most disturbingly, Homolka’s sister mere weeks before their wedding). This book kicks off with a teaser of the storm that was slowly building as the other girls’ deaths were discovered, before taking you back to the beginning of their lives, their courtship, and their reign of terror in Southern Ontario. Finally the book reviews the infamous ‘deal with the devil’ the crown made to have Homolka testify against Bernardo in exchange for a lessened sentence – a point of contention in all discussions around the twosome to this day (i.e. How messed up is Karla?).
Anyone who could willingly drug and offer up their sister to be raped is a sick bitch who belongs in jail for just as long as Paul is. I don’t for one second believe her that she was only involved because she feared for her life as an abused wife. She got off on everything as much, as he did- if not more. I've read a lot of true crime books over the years and I've never failed to be able to bring this to mind when I think of the word 'monsters'.
This read was ghoulishly outstanding. You will not be able to put it down.
It's hard to say. I can't imagine being so under another person's spell that I stopped knowing what was right or wrong.
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